That being said, I don't usually gift clothes. I like to gift books at baby showers because they give years of enjoyment for both parents and kids.
Between my two baby showers, I received three copies of Goodnight Moon
Hand, Hand, Fingers Thumb by Al Perkins
(specifically the shortened board book edition)
I like to give the shortened version of this book because it's a quick read for younger kids yet still retains a fun, catchy rhythm. No real story-line, just a really fun book. While reading it we would beat our thumbs along with the words. Building up to the last few pages, I would hold my boys tight and rock back and forth to the beat of the drum: "Dum ditty, dum ditty, dum dum dum" - they would giggle with anticipation each time we read it. To this day it brings a smile across my face.
Each Peach Pear Plum by Allan Ahlberg and Janet Ahlberg
A cute, endearing story about a farmer who rocks his baby to sleep and then proceeds to rock the dog, the sheep and all the other animals on his farm. The copy I found at my local used library book sale had illustrations by Rick Brown, personally I like the Rick Brown version better then this one, however it is out of print now and the newer edition is the one I've linked here. Rock-a-Bye Farm is a perfect bedtime story.

Can't Catch Me by Michael Foreman
Another book I came across at our local library sale! This fun story is about a mommy monkey trying to put her son to bed. He jumps out the window and says "Can't catch me!". Each turn of the page shows the little monkey running from a different group of animals, until they all finally catch him and.... TICKLE HIM!!!! It's fun, funny and another great story for bedtime.
Hug by Jez Alborough
Can't Catch Me by Michael Foreman
Another book I came across at our local library sale! This fun story is about a mommy monkey trying to put her son to bed. He jumps out the window and says "Can't catch me!". Each turn of the page shows the little monkey running from a different group of animals, until they all finally catch him and.... TICKLE HIM!!!! It's fun, funny and another great story for bedtime.
A little monkey (what's with all the monkey stories?) is looking for a hug. All of the animals he passes in the jungle are giving or getting hugs from their mommies. The interesting thing about this story is that there is only one word (well three by the end) through the whole book. My kids liked to help me read this one and we all had that warm-fuzzy feeling when the little monkey found his Mommy at the end.

Inside Outside Upside Down by Jan & Stan Berenstain
One of the great things about reading to your kids is re-discovering books you loved growing up. This was one of my favorite books when I was little. There's no Sister Bear in the original Berenstain Bear books, just Brother, Mother and Father. Inside, Outside, Upside Down is a quick, basic story that uses repetition and rhythm while teaching the difference between inside, outside and upside down.
So, the next baby shower or toddler birthday you're invited to, consider giving books!
I've enjoyed reading these to my kids for almost seven years. They have survived the book and toy purges throughout the years and have ended up on my bookshelf. I pick them up, smell them, flip through the worn pages and even read them aloud to myself.
My kids have outgrown them, but not me.
Who can say THAT of a pack of onesies?
Side Note:
Personally, I prefer the
Board Book editions
(they last longer with wee ones)